The world of corporate espionage is big business for bad guys these days. As soon as a company seems to have a handle on cyber security, hackers get creative and come up with a new plan. Not only do corporate leaders have to stay aware of new threats, but each tier in the employee hierarchy has to be on top of it as well.

From the cleaning staff to executive assistants, hackers will work every angle to get their hands on valuable corporate information. Good technical surveillance countermeasures require vigilance and creativity. It’s a lot easier to stop a hacker before they can get in. If cyber security has already been compromised, damage control can drain time and money.
It’s important to know that the name “hacker” doesn’t only apply to bad guys. There are good guy hackers called “white hat” hackers. These are the security experts who help corporations with technical surveillance countermeasures. They practice the art of penetration testing called “pentesting.” A term used for purposely hacking a corporate network to identify cracks in the system. White hat hackers are aware of the latest on-trend malware “Black Hat” hackers have been trying out.
IMG’s Technical Surveillance Countermeasures Know How to Play the Cyber Security Game
Remember the classic board game “Clue?” Players had to research and identify the criminal before everyone else. There were a lot of rooms and tools to choose from. It could be Mr. Green, in the study with the candlestick or Miss Scarlett in the Kitchen with the rope. Each roll of the dice lead to an open door where the details of who may have been there are discovered. We understand real technical surveillance countermeasures aren’t always as simple, but there are a few similarities to the game. For instance, networks have several doorways leading to sensitive corporate data. Also, there are different types of criminal cyber characters. Here are a few hackers lurking outside a company’s cyber security walls:
The Impersonator: This is the guy (or gal) who puts themselves between your employees and their intended contact. This character is known as the man-in-the-middle (MitM). They intercept or change a communication to manipulate the data. IMG’s technical surveillance countermeasures can help ensure your network has a direct line the intended receiver.
The Hacktivist: This is the righteous-minded hacker who uses their skills for political reasons. They sabotage a company brand by leaking sensitive information to the public or scrambling the message on a company site. A well-known hacktivist group is Anonymous.
The Evil Maid Attack: Yes, this is what it sounds like. Someone who is physically inside a corporation gets their hands on the company computers while no one is watching. Evil maids can be employees who have been bribed or even someone on the cleaning crew. IMG’s technical surveillance countermeasure security team can help research who has access to the company network and if the breach is an inside job.
It should be noted that many cyber security problems are the result of “human error.” For example, someone finds a thumb drive and just inserts it into a corporate laptop. Presto! You’re infected. Or, there’s the email phishing scam, in which people spoof friends and family, and then the person opens a malevolent email only to infect his or her computer with a virus or so-called Trojan horse. Educating your staff, employees, and executives on cyber security is one aspect of our full suite of anti-cyber crime services.
Yes, corporate cyber security is constantly surrounded by a cast of evil characters. IMG’s Technical surveillance countermeasures help close all the network doors to ensure a safe and secure data system.
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